Please be informed that effective Monday 14th April, the A.B.C Connection service which operates from the Airport to University Hill will commence. The route and timetables are as follow:
Route Description:
- Outbound: University Drive, along Gordon Cummings H’way, Hinds Hill, Warrens via Government Offices, ABC along Errol Barrow highway, passing CBC, SJPP, Circle round-about, left to Wildey Housing Area and exit at Wildey (Old Banks Brewery), left to Clapham and on to ABC H’way, Sargeant’s Village, Vauxhall, Kendal Hill, left to A.B.C right to Kingsland, Newton Park, right to ABC, right to Pilgrim Road, left to Providence, Pilgrim Road, passing, Flash Inn, St Bartholomew’s Church and on to Airport.
- Inbound: Return in opposite direction.
Time Tables:
- From University Drive: 0600, 0730, 1430, 1630
- From Airport: 0600, 0730, 1430, 1630