Revised Route – Bridgetown to Warrens (Pilot Project)

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The Transport Board wishes to inform the traveling public, that with immediate effect Tuesday 13th May, 2014 the Bridgetown To Warrens via Garrison route description will be extended. This service will be departing from Gate 15 in the Fairchild Street Terminal.

The route and timetables are as follows:

Route Description:

  • Outbound
    Fairchild Street Terminal, River Road, Jemmotts Lane, Bay Street, Garrison, Culloden Road, Pine-Belleville, Tweedside Road, Hindsbury Road, Bank Hall, Eagle Hall, Codrington,Green Hill, left at Manning DaCosta, (Warren’s office area), exit by Kentucky/SOL Gas station, Simpson Motors Round-about, Ronald Mapp H’way, Cost– U-Less Round-about, Padmore Village, Melrose,Edge Hill, Cane Garden (Lester Vaughan School), right to Sharon and onto Jackson Main Road
  • Inbound
    Warrens round-about continue on to Simpson Motors Round-a-bout, left by Cheffette,Super Centre and exit by Dacosta Mannings, left to Warrens Round-a-bout circle and return to Bridgetown via Green Hill, Eagle Hall

Time Tables:

  • From Bridgetown:
    0615, 0815, 1030,1200, 1400, 1530, 1730
  • From Warrens:
    0715, 0915, 1115,1300, 1445, 1630, 1830

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