Tender for the Supply of Bus Charging Infrastructure

Posted in Inside Transport Board . Permalink.

The Transport Board invites Tenders for the supply of contractual services for the installation of the Bus Charging Infrastructure at three of its locations.

A Tender document detailing the requirements for the Bus Charging Infrastructure can be obtained from the Chief Operations Officer of the Transport Board at “Weymouth”, Roebuck Street, St. Michael, for a fee of $100.00. The Tenderer may tender for all or a subsection of the locations shown below, this must be clearly identified in the document and on the sealed envelope containing the tender documents.

The charging infrastructure is to be installed at the following locations based on the following:-

Weymouth, Roebuck Street, St. Michael – 18 charging stations
Mangrove, St. Philip – 10 charging stations
Speightstown, St. Peter – 5 charging stations

  1. The contractor will be required in accordance with the provisions of the Labour Clauses (Public Contract) Act 1952 (1952-12) to observe minimum conditions of employment, including payment of wages. Each tender must be accompanied by a certificate, as specified in paragraph 3 of the above mentioned Act. Full details of these conditions may be obtained from the Chief Labour Officer, Warrens Office Complex, Warrens, St. Michael.
  2. In addition, the Contractor will be required to possess the necessary experience and resources to satisfy the Board of the contractor’s ability to satisfy this tender.
  3. All Corporate tenderers must submit with their tender a copy of the Company’s Certificate of Incorporation as evidence of the fact that the company is an existing Registered Company, as at the date of tender. The certificate must be in the name of the tenderer. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THE CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION WILL RENDER THE TENDER VOID.
  4. All quotes must be VAT Inclusive.
  5. Tenderers are advised that the Certificate of Incorporation referred to at paragraph 2 above, means a Certificate of Incorporation issued under the 1985 Companies Act or where applicable, a certificate of Continuance and/or a certificate of Amalgamation or a certificate of Amendment. Certificates must be dated after December 31, 1984.
  6. Certificates of Clearance from the Director, National Insurance Scheme, the Commissioner of Inland Revenue and the Comptroller of Customs in respect of VAT, must be submitted with tenders.
  7. Each tender must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “Tender for the Bus Charging Infrastructure” to the Chairman, Bus Implementation Committee, Transport Board, “Weymouth”, Roebuck Street, St. Michael. Tenders should be submitted not later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, 21 February 2020.
  8. The successful tenderer will be required to enter into a contract drawn up on approval by the Board’s Attorney-at-law.
  9. Envelopes should not bear the name of the tenderers.
  10. The Board does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.