Service Amendments to Boscobelle and Indian Ground

Posted in Inside Transport Board, Service Updates and tagged . Permalink.

Effective 2nd April 2024, the following changes will be made to the Boscobelle and Indian Ground services:

  • The Boscobelle service on its outbound journey from Bridgetown would be routed through Clarke’s Road into the Whim. The bus would continue onto Highway 2A and rejoin its normal route from Mile & A Quarter.
  • The Indian Ground service would no longer travel via Clarke’s Gap and the Whim. This service would travel via Station Hill, turn and cover Mount Brevitor return to Mile & A Quarter and continue on its normal route.

Please note that if these services have to be combined, the existing combined route will be used. The management of the Transport Board apologises for any inconvenience caused as we seek to improve our service delivery