New Ticketing System – WayFarer

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The Transport Board in Barbados takes another step into the information technology arena by joining the thousands of persons around the world who presently utilize the Wayfarer Ticketing System. The Transport Board in Barbados takes the new thrust further by using the TGX150 which is the latest in the family of ticketing systems being offered by this company.

General Manager David Jean-Marie states, “This new ticketing system is fast, accurate and reliable and brings together powerful, electronic ticketing equipment with an integrated software package, which allows the Board to generate reports to facilitate wide-ranging management decisions. In addition, it will also afford the Board the opportunity to closely monitor its ridership patterns and thereby increase its operating efficiencies as it relates to productivity, allocation of routes and disbursement of buses while also improving on the productivity of ancillary departments.”

The new system which will record information such as driver number, route number and bus number will allow the Board to follow up on any incidents involving the bus immediately. The system will also be used to facilitate transfers to other units belonging to the Board with regards to any transfer system that the Board may put into operation in the future. In addition they will be used to facilitate the answering of any queries and in the event that an inspector gets on the bus to check on passengers on board of the bus, it must be produced to validate travel.

The Transport Board management and staff who has always used a manual system for collecting the information on ridership patterns applauds this new initiative which is simple to use and maintain, and will see the role of staff, specifically bus drivers, simplified.